Today's Tasks

Today's Tasks


Keep your focus on what matters and manage your day's success, with an overarching view of all your in-store and remote clienteling activities.


Styling Requests

Your clients’ styling requests are collected on your dashboard. Requests you’ve engaged with will switch to active, delivering ongoing updates on loves, dislikes, and chat messages.

Client Outreach

Reach out to your clients individually, or in groups, offering store updates, new collections, or simply a suggestion in response to a wardrobe or loved item.

Marketing Tasks

ALPHA smoothly integrates with the most popular marketing campaign systems, so SAs can track and manage their daily tasks, all from one central place.

Smart Reminders

ALPHA keeps a vigilant eye on all your ongoing connections and client activities, making it impossible to forget new client connections and important follow ups.

Client Appointments

Planning for store visits just got super easy. SAs and their clients can connect, and link products with their conversations, saving time and creating a truly bespoke feel.
An overview of daily tasks and client requests keeps you focused.
Powerful tools — easy and delightful to use — save you precious time.
We help you drive better and bigger sales, all while increasing client satisfaction.
Treat your clients to a bespoke, exclusive shopping experience.

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Today's Tasks
Take control of your day with an aggregate view of all your clienteling activities, smart reminders, new messages, marketing tasks and much more.
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Client Outreach
Inspire your clients with the new collection campaign, new arrivals, product previews and private sales. ALPHA enables you to monitor your client engagement and jump into an engaging conversation about product and style.
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Chat & Fitting Rooms
We designed Chat Rooms to keep SAs and their clients engaged in inspiring conversations around style and products — while capturing better insights about both products and clients.
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Client Requests
Know what your client is shopping for and engage with hyper targeted product suggestions. ALPHA allows your clients to reach out with styling requests directly to SAs.
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Client Book & CRM
ALPHA enables each SA to monitor their client lists on their mobile phone, get outreach opportunities and ideas by browsing through rich client profiles, and keep everything in sync with the main CRM.
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Easy Client Registration
ALPHA allows SAs to instantly connect with their favorite clients and immediately start a conversation.
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Rich Client Profile
The ALPHA client profile gives you an always-updated, cross-brand view of your clients' style that goes beyond their purchase history and email. It's like a personal invitation to step directly into their lifestyle and passions.
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Analytics & Insights
ALPHA give you access to a fully customizable dashboard that aggregates all your stores and CAs clienteling data and insights.
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